A journey with love to rejuvenate mind, body and spirit
June 4-6, 2024 Ashland, Oregon
This 3-day immersive experience of love in action has the ability to transform your Body, Mind and Spirit.
Imagine your life guided by love. How could it be different if you trusted love to lead.
Come together in community to learn, teach, experience, share, laugh, and heal as we vibrate at the frequency of love. All of this and more held inside a spacious schedule designed to allow to give love the opportunity to lead personal activity choices.
Access to Audio Recordings
Access to Event Material
Contribution to Ancient Secrets Foundation
In-person Admission for days 1 - 3
Access to Audio Recordings
Access to Event Material
Contribution to Ancient Secrets Foundation
In-person Admission for days 1 - 3
Six meals (lunch & dinner) on all 3 days
Access to Audio Recordings
Access to Event Material
Contribution to Ancient Secrets Foundation
In-person Admission for days 1 - 3
Six meals (lunch & dinner) on all 3 days
Access to Bonus Group Session with Dr. Clint G Rogers
Access to Audio Recordings
Access to Event Material
Contribution to Ancient Secrets Foundation
Jackson Wellsprings
2253 Highway 99 N
Ashland, OR 97520
This property has very limited availability. Venue has camping sites, R.V. sites and a few yurt-like set ups. Book directly with Gerry here at 541 601 9935
Lithia Springs Resort is a hotel adjacent to Jackson Wellsprings (2253 Hwy 99 N. Ashland, OR 97520 https://www.jacksonwellsprings.com) where the gathering will take place. You can book your room at this link: https://www.reseze.net/servlet/WebresResDesk?hotelid=1513 using this code 659572 in the Group ID Field. Code is good while availability lasts.
You can book directly at 541-482-7128 and identify Ancient Secrets to request a group rate if still available.
The Neuman Hotel Group have 2 other properties:
Ashland Hills Hotel and Suites approximately 4 miles away
855 482 8310
Ashland Springs Hotel in historic downtown.
888 795 4545
The $100 includes onsite 3 lunchs and 3 dinners provided by a chef specializing in Indian cuisine. Enjoy moong soup and more, vegetarian options are available.
Highly specialized dietary needs cannot be accommodated in these onsite meals. Other meal options are available nearby but offsite and not included in this pricing.
Schedule a pulse reading to receive a roadmap/blueprint of which ancient secrets (diet, herbs, home remedies, etc.) can help you achieve your health goals.
A Monday night dinnertime meet and greet gathering is being created.
Pulse clinics are also being arranged and details will be added as they become available.
Optional after event activities are being developed for Friday.
Come to Ashland and experience the power of love amidst the healing hot springs waters and hills of southern Oregon.
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